5 Questions with Ian Hanson

5 Questions with Ian Hanson

Nyhus is excited to welcome Ian Hanson as our Summer Public Affairs Intern! Read his 5 questions to find out more about his passion for Spotify and learning about the PR industry.

What are you looking forward to most in your new position?
I am excited to get hands-on and learning experiences from a close-knit group of professionals in the public relations field. As a recent college graduate, the chance to get this type of exposure is rare.

What is your favorite thing about working in the PR/PA industry?
The opportunity to collaborate with multidisciplinary organizations and businesses is a fascinating way to learn more about different industries from an external perspective. As someone who is continuing to explore different professional fields, this is a perfect position.

What is your proudest career moment?
A former internship for the Seattle Department of Transportation allowed me to conduct outreach at local Seattle high schools and provide low-income students with free Youth ORCA cards to help them access after-school programs. Their gratitude was contagious!

What do you like to do outside of work?
Reading all things politics and history, “curating” music playlists on Spotify, and exploring the nightlife scene around Seattle.

What’s one thing about you that would surprise me?
I am an avid watcher of the television show SpongeBob SquarePants to the extent that my roommates and I co-founded the SpongeBob Appreciation Club my freshman year of college.