5 Questions with Veronica Brown

5 Questions with Veronica Brown

The Nyhus team is excited to welcome Veronica Brown as its newest account executive! Continue reading for the latest installment in our 5 Questions series, where you’ll learn more about this avid Harry Potter fan.

What are you looking forward to most in your new position?
I’m most looking forward to broadening my scope of work and skills. Working at Nyhus will afford me the opportunity to hone my communications expertise, which I’ve wanted for a very long time!


What’s the best part about your new job so far?
The best part of my new job is definitely working with such great people. The entire team at Nyhus is incredibly talented and kind. I couldn’t ask for a better welcome home to Seattle!


What will your new role at Nyhus include?
My new role will focus on providing public affairs and integrated communications assistance to Nyhus’ awesome group of clients. This will include government and community relations, social media, event planning, etc.


What do you like to do outside of work?
I’m a huge live music fan. On weekends you can usually find me at a concert, most likely an indie band of some kind. Some of my current favorites include Passion Pit, Lord Huron and Vance Joy. I love to cook and try new restaurants, and am hoping to check out Washington’s hiking scene soon. (I’ve definitely had some Instagram-envy seeing friends’ hiking photos!)


What’s one thing about you that would surprise me?
To anyone who knows me, this isn’t a surprise, but I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. I once graced the front page of the Seattle Times in a Gryffindor robe and most recently went to London’s West End to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I’m hooked!